Bianca Valle
Bianca Valle may be the easiest person in the world to talk to. In a modern world full of distracted people, she is refreshingly thoughtful and interested, which makes you just want to sit around and gab with her for hours. If you haven’t been following Bianca’s many talents and pursuits, you should get to know her now (@vbiancav) and witness her explore the worlds of wellness, beauty, food, art and writing. She helps us understand the appeal of taking care ourselves before all else and being OK with trying new things that may be out of your comfort zone. Read on to learn what she’s working on now and how she tries balances her multifaceted life…
Can you tell us a little about where you are from and how you ended up in NYC?
When we met, we spoke a lot about wellness and how what we put into our bodies effects everything about us. When did you start discovering the importance of a healthy lifestyle?
I naturally fell into wellness out of necessity. I wanted to have clearer skin and more energy. To achieve this I turned to what I ate and what I pat on my skin. After a while of being passionate about this, I found a way to make it my career.
You are working on a new zine, and we cannot wait to read it! Can you tell us what it will be about and why you decided to release something like this now?
I feel like nutrition is one of the most important aspects of living, it’s the fuel that allows us to pursue our life mission. I think that a lot of people aren’t educated about what to eat, when, how much and from where to get their food which isn’t their fault. I have spent a lot of my time and energy learning and researching information like this, so I think sharing it is the only option. I need to give back and help push our world towards a healthier approach. I can only take baby steps currently, but I don’t think a zine is a bad start.
For anyone who follows you, we know that you are out in the city exploring new things all the time. How do you find time to work, go to events, maintain relationships and do things like write an entire zine?
To be honest, it’s very hard to balance it all and something has to suffer. Right now I don’t have much me time or sleep, but achieving my dreams is more satisfying at the moment. I am sure I will get that me time soon :)
What advantages do you think being a woman can bring to freelancing and trying to find your own path?
I think freelancing as a women isn’t a easy feet, but an incredibly rewarding path if you don’t let fear sink in. I haven’t really been able to enjoy the fruits of freelance too fully just yet, because I never shut off. BUT, it is also such a beautiful thing to be able to be my own boss.
Do you have any mentors, idols or role models you admire? What about style icons?
I am very lucky to have a lot of older women in my life who are very open to my frequent calls for guidance, they are my mentors. My mother is also constantly inspiring me. I admire all the women in my life for their selflessness. As far as style icons, the street presents lots of style inspiration for me.
These days I’m loving...
Straight leg jeans
Simple Pleasures
La mer cream
“Me time” activity
I need more of these :/
Images by Julia Hembree, shot in the Brooklyn, NY